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Monday, December 16, 2019
Monday, December 09, 2019
"… sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess. 5:23).
The apostle is concluding this, his first epistle to these brethren and likely the first of thirteen acknowledged letters from his pen. Ere he writes the last word, he breathes a blessing upon these brethren. His wish for them is that …
The God of peace Himself will sanctify these brethren. He wishes for them a complete dedication of themselves to the service of their God. This desire for complete dedication of brethren as expressed by Paul when he wrote the Corinthians: "Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilements of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness (sanctification, jm) in the fear of the Lord" (2 Cor. 7:1). James utters the same wish: "Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye doubleminded" (Jam. 4:8). We must sanctify ourselves to God's service, just as He sanctifies us wholly to Him.
Paul also prayed that the "soul and spirit and body" of these Thessalonians would be preserved entire (complete), without blame, at Jesus' second coming. Often one hears the statement, "Man is a twofold being" and that is true. Solomon wrote, "Then shall the body return to the dust as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it" (Eccl. 12:7). Elsewhere Paul wrote that "our outward man perishes, but our inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16). Peter expressed the same thought but in a slightly different figure: "Knowing that the putting off of my tabernacle cometh swiftly, even as our Lord Jesus Christ signified unto me" (2 Pet. 1:14). Why then does Paul here refer to man as a threefold being: body, soul, spirit?
Paul's reference to our body and soul is an allusion to the temporal part of man - obviously we recognize that truth by "body" but why is "soul" here also a reference to our temporal nature? Simply because "soul" sometimes is used to refer to those properties of man that give life to the body. When Moses records the creation of our world, then man, he wrote, "And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life' and man became a living soul" (Gen. 2:7). In 1 Peter 3:20 Peter tells us that eight souls were saved by water in the ark. Eight living beings. In Acts 7:14 Stephen relates that "threescore and fifteen souls" (Jacob's descendants) sent down into Egypt. Stephen means threescore and fifteen living beings. Paul charged, "Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers …" (Rom. 13:1) and in the record of a shipwreck of which Paul was a part, there were 276 souls saved that were on that vessel (Acts 27:37). In all these citations, "soul" refers to a human being.
Yet, soul may also allude to the eternal part of man. David prophesied that the soul of Jesus would not be left in hell (Psa. 16:9-10) and Jesus asked, "What shall a man be profited if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul?" (Mt. 16:26). He also warned us to fear him who has power to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mt. 10:28). Paul prayed that both spirit and soul would be preserved without blame at Jesus' second coming and we can understand the necessity of this, but why would he pray that our body also be preserved entire and without blame? It is evident, not only from the writings of others, but from Paul's own, that the physical body perishes at death, returning back to the dust. To my mind the apostle simply anticipates the transformation of the physical body into its resurrection one. Remember, all will be raised and given an incorruptible body, a body which can be cast into hell (Mt. 10:28). Paul prayed for the Thessalonians that their complete body-person: soul, spirit and incorruptible body, might be preserved without blame when Jesus comes again.
"… sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess. 5:23).
The apostle is concluding this, his first epistle to these brethren and likely the first of thirteen acknowledged letters from his pen. Ere he writes the last word, he breathes a blessing upon these brethren. His wish for them is that …
The God of peace Himself will sanctify these brethren. He wishes for them a complete dedication of themselves to the service of their God. This desire for complete dedication of brethren as expressed by Paul when he wrote the Corinthians: "Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilements of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness (sanctification, jm) in the fear of the Lord" (2 Cor. 7:1). James utters the same wish: "Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye doubleminded" (Jam. 4:8). We must sanctify ourselves to God's service, just as He sanctifies us wholly to Him.
Paul also prayed that the "soul and spirit and body" of these Thessalonians would be preserved entire (complete), without blame, at Jesus' second coming. Often one hears the statement, "Man is a twofold being" and that is true. Solomon wrote, "Then shall the body return to the dust as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it" (Eccl. 12:7). Elsewhere Paul wrote that "our outward man perishes, but our inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16). Peter expressed the same thought but in a slightly different figure: "Knowing that the putting off of my tabernacle cometh swiftly, even as our Lord Jesus Christ signified unto me" (2 Pet. 1:14). Why then does Paul here refer to man as a threefold being: body, soul, spirit?
Paul's reference to our body and soul is an allusion to the temporal part of man - obviously we recognize that truth by "body" but why is "soul" here also a reference to our temporal nature? Simply because "soul" sometimes is used to refer to those properties of man that give life to the body. When Moses records the creation of our world, then man, he wrote, "And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life' and man became a living soul" (Gen. 2:7). In 1 Peter 3:20 Peter tells us that eight souls were saved by water in the ark. Eight living beings. In Acts 7:14 Stephen relates that "threescore and fifteen souls" (Jacob's descendants) sent down into Egypt. Stephen means threescore and fifteen living beings. Paul charged, "Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers …" (Rom. 13:1) and in the record of a shipwreck of which Paul was a part, there were 276 souls saved that were on that vessel (Acts 27:37). In all these citations, "soul" refers to a human being.
Yet, soul may also allude to the eternal part of man. David prophesied that the soul of Jesus would not be left in hell (Psa. 16:9-10) and Jesus asked, "What shall a man be profited if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul?" (Mt. 16:26). He also warned us to fear him who has power to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mt. 10:28). Paul prayed that both spirit and soul would be preserved without blame at Jesus' second coming and we can understand the necessity of this, but why would he pray that our body also be preserved entire and without blame? It is evident, not only from the writings of others, but from Paul's own, that the physical body perishes at death, returning back to the dust. To my mind the apostle simply anticipates the transformation of the physical body into its resurrection one. Remember, all will be raised and given an incorruptible body, a body which can be cast into hell (Mt. 10:28). Paul prayed for the Thessalonians that their complete body-person: soul, spirit and incorruptible body, might be preserved without blame when Jesus comes again.
A REAL MAN: A Man After God's Own Heart (1 Sam. 13:14)
Ron Halbrook, 3505 Horse Run Ct., Shepherdsville, KY 40165-6954 (
1. 1 Sam. 13:8-14 Saul's selfish stubborn spirit VS a different heart
a. Excuses reveal character: Lack of faith in God, will worship, impatient, impenitent, not truly ready to serve God
2. The measure of a real man:
a. Drugs, drinking, & gambling?
b. Fornication & adultery?
c. Vile language, tongue lashing?
d. Hot temper?
e. Proud, demanding, self-centered?
3. 1 Sam. 13:14 God sought a real man: a man after His own heart
a. Faith in God
b. Genuine worship of God
c. Patient in life's duties, challenges, & trials
d. Love of family
e. True penitence for sin
f. Readiness to serve God
4. 1 Sam. 13:14 God foresaw David as a real man
a. An ideal leader
b. Foreshadowed Christ
c. Example for us
d. God seeks real men today!
I. Faith in God
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Lack of Faith in God
1. Disobeyed God's Word
a. 1 Sam. 13:11-12 Wait at Gilgal
b. 1 Sam. 15 Destroy Amalakites
2. Lack courage of conviction
a. 1 Sam. 13:11-12 Wait at Gilgal
b. 1 Sam. 17:11 Face Goliath
B. Real Man: David's Faith in God
1. Ps. 8 Deep, personal faith
a. Vv. 1-3 God's glory in creation
b. Vv. 4-9 God's glory in blessing man
C. Real Man: David's Faith in God's Word
1. 2 Sam. 2:1 God said reign at Hebron
2. 2 Sam. 5:17-25 Reign at Jerusalem, fought Philistines at God's command
D. Real Man: David's Courage of Conviction
1. 1 Sam. 17:10-11 Goliath defied Israel
2. 1 Sam. 17:45 David faced Goliath
E. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our hearts: deep personal faith, see God in creation, see He blesses us
2. Examine our hearts: faith in God's Word
a. Acts 17:11 Search Scriptures daily
b. 2 Tim. 2:15 Study to rightly divide
c. 1 Pet. 2:2 Desire milk of the word
3. Examine our hearts: courage of conviction
a. When opposed by society, friends, family
b. Moral issues: abortion, homosexuality, drugs, drinking, gamble, dance, immodest dress, fornication, adultery
c. Eph. 4:4-6 One right way in religion
II. Genuine Worship of God
A. Wrong Heart: Saul Professed to Worship
1. 1 Sam. 13:9 Sacrifice not in God's way
2. Satisfy his desire, build his reputation, not purely to please God
B. Real Man: David's Worship God's Way
1. Ps. 100 Desire, joy, thanksgiving
2. Ps. 138:1-2 Whole heart, one right way
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our hearts: Desire, joy, thanksgiving
a. Spectator or participant?
b. Bored, sleep or join in with joy?
c. Avoid when possible or attend always?
d. Focus on God or clock, plans, distractions?
e. Grumble or rejoice?
2. Examine our hearts: Action in worship
a. Whole heart in each act?
b. As a member of God's one true church & according to His pattern?
III. Patient in Life's Duties, Challenges, & Trials
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Impatience
1. 1 Sam. 13:8-10 Impatient waiting for God to fulfill His plan
2. Let God adjust & endorse Saul's will
B. Real Man: David Patient
1. 1 Sam. 16:13 Samuel anointed David many years before he ruled
2. 1 Sam. 16:23; 18:10 David patiently played harp to sooth sullen Saul
3. 1 Sam. 21-30 David hid as an outlaw, could have killed Saul, but waited on God
C. God Seeks Real Men Today
1. Examine our heart: patient in duties to God & man: Christian, mate, employee, student
2. Examine our heart: patient in challenges: changes in age, work, children, parents
3. Examine our heart: patient in trials: health, care for sick & aged, children rebel, temptations, consequences of past sins
IV. Love of Family
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Manipulation of Family
1. 1 Sam. 18:17-21 Manipulate Merab & Michal to destroy David
2. 1 Sam. 19:1; 20:25-34 Manipulate Jonathan
3. 1 Sam. 20:30 Curse Jonathan & his own wife
B. Real Man: David's Love of His Family
1. 1 Sam. 18:20-21 David won Michal's love
2. 1 Sam. 25:42-44; 2 Sam. 3:2-5, 12-13 Saul took Michal; David found other wives, but finally effected Michal's return
3. Ps. 127:3 David's great love for his children
a. 2 Sam. 3:2-5 Sons of early years
b. 2 Sam. 12:15-23 Grieve for child's death
c. 2 Sam. 12:24-25 With David's love & training Solomon named Jedidiah by God
d. 2 Sam. 18:33 Wept bitterly for Absalom
4. 2 Sam. 11 David's great failure: adultery
a. Crippled leadership of family & nation
b. 2 Sam. 15 Loss of moral leadership bred anger & rebellion in Absalom
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our heart: Remember our vows & treasure our mate
2. Love, lead, protect, give security & peace
3. Examine our heart: Purity & fidelity not adultery
a. Adultery: sin against God & failure of manhood
b. Adultery destroys peace, security, & trust
4. Examine our heart: Love, train, discipline, & mentor our children
a. Active (hands on) not passive (leave it to wife & church)
b. Our sin & neglect breed rebellion
V. True Penitence for Sin
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Self-will & Shallow Repentance
1. 1 Sam. 13:11-12 Excuses not penitence
2. 1 Sam. 15:20-31 Denial, excuses, shallow repentance, plea to protect his image
(greatest concern political image!)
3. "Deep as were his sorrows, he never knew the grace of contrition. Thus his dark heart is full
of sullenness and suspicion, inviting the entrance of the evil one, who came at his bidding,
and closed with yet sterner bars all the avenues of his soul" (Pulpit Commentary, 1 Sam. 13:14, p.240).
B. Real Man: David's True Repentance
1. 2 Sam. 11:6-27 1st tried to hide his sin
2. 2 Sam. 12:1-14 Rebuked by Nathan
3. 2 Sam. 12:13; Ps. 51:1-4 Confessed again & again with godly grief & deep repentance
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our heart: Can I say, "I have sinned"?
a. Godly grief, genuine repentance?
b. Only because exposed, for sake of image, effort to escape some consequence
2. Examine our heart: Focus on being right with God & man
a. Not blame others
b. Not play victim
c. Correct the sin as much as possible
VI. Readiness to Serve God
A. Wrong Heart: Saul Selfish, Self-serving
1. 1 Sam. 13:8-12 Greater fear of losing battle & favor of people than of displeasing God
2. 1 Sam. 15:30 Greater fear of losing favor of people than of displeasing God
B. Real Man: David's Readiness to Serve God
1. Ps. 84:10 He shared this sentiment: ready to serve in most humble ways
2. 1 Sam. 16:1-13 Anointed, kept sheep
3. 1 Sam. 16:19-23 Served God as Saul's harper
4. 1 Sam. 16:21, 18:2 Served God as Saul's armorbearer
5. 1 Sam. 18:1-16 Served God in Saul's army
6. 1 Sam. 21-30 Served God as an outcast
7. 2 Sam. 2:1 Served God as Israel's King
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our heart: Ready to serve as Ps. 84:10
2. Examine our heart: Serve God at home
3. Examine our heart: Serve God at job, school
4. Examine our heart: Serve God at worship
5. Examine our heart: Serve God by teach, invite
6. Examine our heart: Serve God by quiet deeds
7. Examine our heart: Serve God in public teaching
8. Examine our heart: Serve God as elder, deacon, or wife of elder or deacon
1. 1 Sam. 13:14 God sought a real man: a man after His own heart
2. 1 Sam. 13:14 God foresaw David as a real man
3. God is ready to pardon us & give us a new life in Christ: Gal. 3:26-27 Alien sinners: come to Christ!
4. God is ready to pardon us & give us a new life in Christ: 1 Jn. 1:9 Erring saints: return to Christ!
1. 1 Sam. 13:8-14 Saul's selfish stubborn spirit VS a different heart
a. Excuses reveal character: Lack of faith in God, will worship, impatient, impenitent, not truly ready to serve God
2. The measure of a real man:
a. Drugs, drinking, & gambling?
b. Fornication & adultery?
c. Vile language, tongue lashing?
d. Hot temper?
e. Proud, demanding, self-centered?
3. 1 Sam. 13:14 God sought a real man: a man after His own heart
a. Faith in God
b. Genuine worship of God
c. Patient in life's duties, challenges, & trials
d. Love of family
e. True penitence for sin
f. Readiness to serve God
4. 1 Sam. 13:14 God foresaw David as a real man
a. An ideal leader
b. Foreshadowed Christ
c. Example for us
d. God seeks real men today!
I. Faith in God
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Lack of Faith in God
1. Disobeyed God's Word
a. 1 Sam. 13:11-12 Wait at Gilgal
b. 1 Sam. 15 Destroy Amalakites
2. Lack courage of conviction
a. 1 Sam. 13:11-12 Wait at Gilgal
b. 1 Sam. 17:11 Face Goliath
B. Real Man: David's Faith in God
1. Ps. 8 Deep, personal faith
a. Vv. 1-3 God's glory in creation
b. Vv. 4-9 God's glory in blessing man
C. Real Man: David's Faith in God's Word
1. 2 Sam. 2:1 God said reign at Hebron
2. 2 Sam. 5:17-25 Reign at Jerusalem, fought Philistines at God's command
D. Real Man: David's Courage of Conviction
1. 1 Sam. 17:10-11 Goliath defied Israel
2. 1 Sam. 17:45 David faced Goliath
E. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our hearts: deep personal faith, see God in creation, see He blesses us
2. Examine our hearts: faith in God's Word
a. Acts 17:11 Search Scriptures daily
b. 2 Tim. 2:15 Study to rightly divide
c. 1 Pet. 2:2 Desire milk of the word
3. Examine our hearts: courage of conviction
a. When opposed by society, friends, family
b. Moral issues: abortion, homosexuality, drugs, drinking, gamble, dance, immodest dress, fornication, adultery
c. Eph. 4:4-6 One right way in religion
II. Genuine Worship of God
A. Wrong Heart: Saul Professed to Worship
1. 1 Sam. 13:9 Sacrifice not in God's way
2. Satisfy his desire, build his reputation, not purely to please God
B. Real Man: David's Worship God's Way
1. Ps. 100 Desire, joy, thanksgiving
2. Ps. 138:1-2 Whole heart, one right way
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our hearts: Desire, joy, thanksgiving
a. Spectator or participant?
b. Bored, sleep or join in with joy?
c. Avoid when possible or attend always?
d. Focus on God or clock, plans, distractions?
e. Grumble or rejoice?
2. Examine our hearts: Action in worship
a. Whole heart in each act?
b. As a member of God's one true church & according to His pattern?
III. Patient in Life's Duties, Challenges, & Trials
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Impatience
1. 1 Sam. 13:8-10 Impatient waiting for God to fulfill His plan
2. Let God adjust & endorse Saul's will
B. Real Man: David Patient
1. 1 Sam. 16:13 Samuel anointed David many years before he ruled
2. 1 Sam. 16:23; 18:10 David patiently played harp to sooth sullen Saul
3. 1 Sam. 21-30 David hid as an outlaw, could have killed Saul, but waited on God
C. God Seeks Real Men Today
1. Examine our heart: patient in duties to God & man: Christian, mate, employee, student
2. Examine our heart: patient in challenges: changes in age, work, children, parents
3. Examine our heart: patient in trials: health, care for sick & aged, children rebel, temptations, consequences of past sins
IV. Love of Family
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Manipulation of Family
1. 1 Sam. 18:17-21 Manipulate Merab & Michal to destroy David
2. 1 Sam. 19:1; 20:25-34 Manipulate Jonathan
3. 1 Sam. 20:30 Curse Jonathan & his own wife
B. Real Man: David's Love of His Family
1. 1 Sam. 18:20-21 David won Michal's love
2. 1 Sam. 25:42-44; 2 Sam. 3:2-5, 12-13 Saul took Michal; David found other wives, but finally effected Michal's return
3. Ps. 127:3 David's great love for his children
a. 2 Sam. 3:2-5 Sons of early years
b. 2 Sam. 12:15-23 Grieve for child's death
c. 2 Sam. 12:24-25 With David's love & training Solomon named Jedidiah by God
d. 2 Sam. 18:33 Wept bitterly for Absalom
4. 2 Sam. 11 David's great failure: adultery
a. Crippled leadership of family & nation
b. 2 Sam. 15 Loss of moral leadership bred anger & rebellion in Absalom
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our heart: Remember our vows & treasure our mate
2. Love, lead, protect, give security & peace
3. Examine our heart: Purity & fidelity not adultery
a. Adultery: sin against God & failure of manhood
b. Adultery destroys peace, security, & trust
4. Examine our heart: Love, train, discipline, & mentor our children
a. Active (hands on) not passive (leave it to wife & church)
b. Our sin & neglect breed rebellion
V. True Penitence for Sin
A. Wrong Heart: Saul's Self-will & Shallow Repentance
1. 1 Sam. 13:11-12 Excuses not penitence
2. 1 Sam. 15:20-31 Denial, excuses, shallow repentance, plea to protect his image
(greatest concern political image!)
3. "Deep as were his sorrows, he never knew the grace of contrition. Thus his dark heart is full
of sullenness and suspicion, inviting the entrance of the evil one, who came at his bidding,
and closed with yet sterner bars all the avenues of his soul" (Pulpit Commentary, 1 Sam. 13:14, p.240).
B. Real Man: David's True Repentance
1. 2 Sam. 11:6-27 1st tried to hide his sin
2. 2 Sam. 12:1-14 Rebuked by Nathan
3. 2 Sam. 12:13; Ps. 51:1-4 Confessed again & again with godly grief & deep repentance
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our heart: Can I say, "I have sinned"?
a. Godly grief, genuine repentance?
b. Only because exposed, for sake of image, effort to escape some consequence
2. Examine our heart: Focus on being right with God & man
a. Not blame others
b. Not play victim
c. Correct the sin as much as possible
VI. Readiness to Serve God
A. Wrong Heart: Saul Selfish, Self-serving
1. 1 Sam. 13:8-12 Greater fear of losing battle & favor of people than of displeasing God
2. 1 Sam. 15:30 Greater fear of losing favor of people than of displeasing God
B. Real Man: David's Readiness to Serve God
1. Ps. 84:10 He shared this sentiment: ready to serve in most humble ways
2. 1 Sam. 16:1-13 Anointed, kept sheep
3. 1 Sam. 16:19-23 Served God as Saul's harper
4. 1 Sam. 16:21, 18:2 Served God as Saul's armorbearer
5. 1 Sam. 18:1-16 Served God in Saul's army
6. 1 Sam. 21-30 Served God as an outcast
7. 2 Sam. 2:1 Served God as Israel's King
C. God Seeks Real Men Today!
1. Examine our heart: Ready to serve as Ps. 84:10
2. Examine our heart: Serve God at home
3. Examine our heart: Serve God at job, school
4. Examine our heart: Serve God at worship
5. Examine our heart: Serve God by teach, invite
6. Examine our heart: Serve God by quiet deeds
7. Examine our heart: Serve God in public teaching
8. Examine our heart: Serve God as elder, deacon, or wife of elder or deacon
1. 1 Sam. 13:14 God sought a real man: a man after His own heart
2. 1 Sam. 13:14 God foresaw David as a real man
3. God is ready to pardon us & give us a new life in Christ: Gal. 3:26-27 Alien sinners: come to Christ!
4. God is ready to pardon us & give us a new life in Christ: 1 Jn. 1:9 Erring saints: return to Christ!
Scripture Reading: Psalm 26:1-8
1. Daghan ang naga-ingun “Dili ko gusto nga naa magsulti
kanako unsa akong huna-hunaon!” Apan, ginatugot ang kultura ug mga daghang tao
nga pagabuhaton ang paghuna-huna alang kanila!
2. Ang matarong nga Dios nagasusi sa mga kasing-kasing ug
mga paghuna-huna, Psa. 7:9.
3. Si David malipayon nga andam niining pagsusi, sanglit
siya naglakaw man nga adunay integridad ug diha sa pagtoo, kuyog ang pagbarog
sa gugma sa Dios, siya naglakaw diha sa kamatooran, Psa. 26:1-3.
4. Si David “tao sumala sa kasing-kasing sa Dios," Acts 13:22-23.
5. Ang iyang binhi, si Hesu-Kristo, mao ang atong dakong
Magtutudlo ug Maestro. Ang Iyang mga disipolo nagbansay aron mahisama sa Magtutudlo
diha sa paghuna-huna ug paggawi, Lk. 6:40.
a. Mga Disipolo Disciples (Mga Kristohanon) dili
labaw sa ilang Magtutudlo, Matt. 10:24.
b. Mga Disipolo Disciples (Mga Kristohanon)
nagalakaw “sama sa Iyang paglakaw” 1 Jno. 2:6.
6. Aron mabuhat kana, kinahanglan kita maghuna-huna sama ni
Hesus nga paghuna-huna. Kinahanglan sama kita ug HUNA-HUNA.
A. Atong Gisangyaw (Giwali) ang Huna-huna
ni Kristo, 1 Cor. 2:1-3, 6-9.
B. Aduna kitay Paghuna-huna ni Kristo nga Gikompirmado
pinaagi sa mga Milagro, 1 Cor. 2:4; Heb. 2:3-4.
C. Aduna kitay Paghuna-huna ni Kristo Pinaagi sa
Pagpahayag, 1 Cor. 2:10-12.
D. Aduna kitay Paghuna-huna ni Kristo Gisulti
Pinaagi sa Berbal nga Lamdag, 1 Cor. 2:13.
E. Pangutana: Kinsa Man Ang Makadawat Sa
Paghuna-huna ni Kristo?1 Cor. 2:14-16
1. Natural nga tao nagasalikway sa
ebanghelyo isip binuang; Siradu
ang paghuna-huna . Siya nagalikay nga giyahan sa pagpahayag; dili siya
magadawat sa mga butang sa Espiritu sa Dios (ebanghelyo) – Siya nagakinabuhi sa
tawhunong pagrason lang. (1 Cor. 1:26-31)
2. Espirituhanon nga tao nagadawat sa
ebanghelyo: Gusto niya mahibal-an ang paghuna-huna sa Dios ug nahibalo nga dili
niya kaya kun dili gikan mismo sa Dios. Abri ang paghuna-huna alang sa pagdawat
sa kamatooran sa Dios, 1 Cor. 2:16; Isa. 40:13-14 (Rom. 11:33-35).
A. Mga Disipolo Ginabutang ang Pulong ni
Kristo Ngadto sa Ilang mga Huna-Huna Col. 3:16.
1. Ang Pulong ni Kristo Mao Ang
Maghulma sa Atong Paghuna-huna aron Aron Mahulma Kun Kinsa Kita! (Prov. 23:7)
2. "Magtoon kamo kanako," Matt. 11:29;
Eph. 4:20-24 (20).
B. Isip mga Disipolo, Dili Kita Makasunod sa Ehemplo Ni Kristo Kun Dili Kita Maghuna-huna Sama Kaniya, 1 Pet. 4:1-2.
B. Isip mga Disipolo, Dili Kita Makasunod sa Ehemplo Ni Kristo Kun Dili Kita Maghuna-huna Sama Kaniya, 1 Pet. 4:1-2.
C. Mao Kini Ang Mga Butang Nga Maghuna-huna Sama
ni Kristo
1. Paghigugma sa Dios sa
tibuok nga paghuna-huna , Matt. 22:37; cf. Jno. 15:9-10.
2. Paghuna-huna nga sama sa
ulipon alang sa uban, Jno. 13:12-17.
3. Kanunay nga pagdawat
sa pagtudlo sa Amahan alang sa paghimuot Niya pinaagi sa pagtuman
sa Iyang pulong, Jno. 8:28-29, 55.
4. Paghuna-huna sa imung
impluwensya sa uban (sa unsang butang nga maapektohan nimo ang ubang tao), Matt. 17:24-27 (27).
5. Paghuna-huna nga
mapaubsanon alang sa pag-alagad, magpailalum sa Dios, kanunay nga diha sa
Ginoo, Phil. 2:5-8.
6. Paghuna-huna nga walay
dautan (dili magbaton ug dautan), 1 Cor. 13:5. (Si Hesus
misulti, “Amahan, pasayloa sila…” dili “Amahan, pasayloa sila apan dili nko
makalimtan )
1. Kun ikaw maghuna-huna sama sa kalibutan, mamatay ka kuyog
sa kalibutan, 2 Cor. 4:1-4.
2. Kun ang atong mga huna-huna naka sentro sa mga langitnong
butang, ang atong mga kinabuhi dinhi sa kalibutang nagapakita sa atong
langitong lungsoranon, ug unsa ang atong kinabuhi , Col. 3:2, 4.
Written in English
by Joe
Translated by Cebuano by Men Mark Tumandan Evangelist
Labangal Mountain Top Libas
church of Christ
General Santos
City Kamanga,
Philippines 9502, Maasim Sarangani Province
December 10, 2019
By: Joe R. Price
Posted: April 15, 2016
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