From the coastal area going to Sitio Glamang, Camalian where we held the venue was at the top of the mountain which is more than 15 kilometers away, we reached it almost 9:00 PM by way of walking.
Because of thirst, the group of young men who met us on the way gave us coconut to drink in it.
1. On the way going there.
c. Dad and Brother Coen Manteng.
An Outlined I made entitled "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" with my Bible in Cebuano version.
Evening of April 28, I lectured about "What Must I Do To Be Saved" an outline I made
dad also preached a good sermon regarding the doctrine of men, the doctrine of devil and the doctrine of Christ. In the morning of April 29, I lectured about "The New Testament Church" with an insert chart "Why There Are So Many Churches?" while in the afternoon session I lectured "Does Your Church Preach The Pure Gospel?" , "Does Your Church Have Organization Larger Than Local Church" and "Is The Work of Your Church, From God or Men?". Brother Enrico Guilon (my uncle) was our Song Leader while Brother Coen Manteng also preached a good sermon.
When evening came, dad preached a good sermon.
Morning of April 30, 2011 there were 21 folks gladly commited themselves to be baptized. I and dad did the immersion while the other saints gladly sang three song from the Hymnal in Cebauno Version such as "Oh, Happy Day", "All To Jesus I Surrender" and "Are You Washed in The Blood?".
I am so thankful to God that inspite of diffuctlities on the road, we still abled to reached and make this Gospel Meetings. So grateful to God that through the help of two Brothers and one sister in Christ, I and dad made able to preach in this far distance which is more than 80 miles. I was able to owe 3,000 pesos because I was short of fund. My motorcycle consume more than 1,000 pesos of gasoline and also dad's motorcycle.
In Christian Love,
Note: In my other report I put that 20 were baptized, but I was in mistake...not 20 but 21 were baptized in this Gospel Meeting. Eight folks I did administer in baptism while 13 folks administered by dad.
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