Sunday, April 21, 2024




Every time we drift from God, we think that our plan is better than Him. When we do unrighteousness, when we won't follow the Divine Plan of God, we are saying that there is something wrong or the plan of God is injustice. One of the Great Texts of the Old Testament is found in Jeremiah 2:5 where the Lord God says " What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they have gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?"


I. Drifting Away From The Plan of Salvation


Salvation belongs to the Lord. God's plan of salvation is in Christ Jesus. From the Old Testament, Jehovah promised that "the seed of the woman" who is Jesus Christ to bruise the head of the Serpent.

Those who put their faith in Jesus by trusting Him and His words will be saved. (Luke 6:46).

Denominational churches drift away from original plan of salvation, relying on mere faith but without obedience to the command of Jesus.

They have "faith only" doctrine that excludes water baptism to the requirements to be saved. For unto them, baptism is because of salvation contrary to Acts 2:38 that Peter said baptism is for remission of sins.

God's plan of salvation is for everyone to continue to do the will of the Father but failure to do so will forfeit his salvation.

There are those who drift away in believing once saved, always saved. They forgot the essence of "endure", "perseverance ", "long suffering " and "not to grow weary" (Mark 13: 13; Heb. 12:1; Col. 1:11: Gal. 6:9).


II. Drifting Away From True Worship


Worship belongs to the Lord. Jesus said that the true worship is in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). In spirit, means it is not mere actions but there is lively, having the sober mind of conducting the worship. In truth, means it is based on the revealed word of God. It is not speculation nor just invention of human mind but it must be from the will of God. It must be within the revealed word of God.

New Testament Worship includes commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus through eating of bread and drinking of fruit of the vine which is the Lord's Supper. 1 Cor. 11:23-27.

Early Christians gave their means every first day of the week in common treasury to finance the work of the church. 1 Cor. 16:1-2

Singing is also part of worship, and no records of early Christians playing musical instruments.

Teaching the doctrine of Christ and praying are also done as part of worship.

Denominational churches drift away from original worship when they add musical instruments, dances, playing drama , collecting Tithes every first day of the week in worship.

Little by little, not knowing, they are already far from the truth.


III. Drifting Away From Pattern of Organization of the Local Church.


The church belongs to the Lord. New Testament Pattern of Local Churches Are Autonomous. No local church is under the supervision of one local church. Every local church is under of Christ directly, no human President or Chairman, or Pope (Rev.1:11).


There are Elders In Every Church( Acts 14:23) and they rule and have oversight only in local congregation they serve as Elders (Acts 20:17, 28).


Denominational churches and Roman Catholic drift away from original plan of God in regard to His church by having hierarchical leadership in their religious organizations. Denominational churches have District Supervisor, 1 Man Pastor in Local Church (not qualified to be pastor if Bible is concerned ), they have Board of Directors and President.


Roman Catholic have Pope, Cardinals and Bishops. They have added positions that nowhere to be found in the Bible.


Let us go back to the Bible.


(Men Mark A. Tumandan, Philippines)

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