Monday, August 30, 2010

Field Report - Proposal to Preach in Myanmar

Dear Brethren and Sisters in Christ,

Grace, Mercy and Peace be unto you
From God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord

A gospel preacher from Myanmar sent me an invitation letter to preach there in Myanmar last Friday August 27, 2010. It is my dream to preach the gospel of Christ abroad, not only here but also in other country for Christ said that "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15.

I am so willing to spread the gospel of Christ there, to help the brother in spiritual matter. In connection of this, I am in need of financial assistance of my expenses going there. The Lord willing, I plan to preach in the Myanmar as soon as I have enough fund. I need your help. If God is willing, this is my first preaching trip in abroad. I need fund to be use for travel and evangelism. If there is money remains, I will let you know. I am hoping and praying that may God grant me to preach there, and I am praying for your brotherly and loving prayers. Thank you for considering this request.

Below is his letter:

Dear Brother Marktumandan ,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ ! I appreciate that is good a pportunity to inform you what are going on / happening in myanmar Churchof Christ !

Since we belonging to a backward country, it is there fore necesary to back up by other from
developed countries .In the same way ,we have not yet recieved any missionery from a broad till to day.
We just simplely do the things as it is not to be ! We have been crying for helpers who will be coming to us
and help us in Myanmar church ! So especially ,I would like to request brother Men Mark who is faithfull and earnest in his ministry ! We have been trying to protect the sound and true doctrines where as people are going to ward Preminialism in thses days ! Espacialy, we want and need brother Men Mark to come and preach the word of God a mong myanmar refugees who are here in Malaysia ! I am a lone who is working here ,.And i could say that he has to hold some a round $ 2000 u.s.a. or more than this for his travelling ! So i greet all brothers and sisters who are there in philipine to send agood worker of the Lord to encourage and seeking the losts and bring them back to the live . I will be graeful to you if you take a think seriously on my application for his helps.I request brother Men Mark on behalf of myanmar Churches and Myanmar refugees here in Malaysia !

Yours in Christ
Myanmar church of Christ.

In Christian LOVE,


dad's e-mail

PROVERB 19:22 "The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar."

2 Cor. 8:21 "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."

Preacher in India with brother Joseph

Friday, August 20, 2010

PREACHERS SEMINAR last August 16, 2010

Dear Brethren and Sisters in the name of Christ,

Grace, Mercy and Peace be unto you
From God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord

The arrival of some preachers who attended the Seminar, this was the first night.

I love also to tell you the progress of the PREACHERS SEMINAR last Monday, August 16, 2010 held there in Sport Complex, GenSan City. There are so many Preachers who attended and there was one denominational preacher. I am so glad that through their conversation of brother Socarno about the true gospel, the denominational preacher is truly converted, another man was added in the church by Baptism.

I am so grateful because of this activity, the gospel preachers throughout the area met each other, know each other. There were some came from Polomolok, some from Tiboli, some from Malungon and some are preaching there in Maasim like me and Brother Allan, and there were from GenSan. I am grateful that there is unity. The lecturers were Brother Socarno Cabca, Brother Leonardo Maste, Brother Isaias Swerte, Brother Jerry Julom, and me and also Brother Eduardo Diamana, and Brother Nathaniel Besinga also lectured. Our song leaders were Brother Benjie Lopez and brother Allan Kimnon.I lectured about "No Headquarters Except Heaven" where I emphasize that we must have no organization larger than or smaller than the local church. I said that there is no greatest among us except Christ as our only head and the basis of our unity. I am the only young gospel preacher and an evangelist.

I am glad that the work of the Lord here is keeps on progressing. I would love to thank the gospel preachers through the area of Southern Mindanao who attended the PREACHERS SEMINAR. I am so grateful for the good providence of God that it made us possible to gather in PREACHERS SEMINAR.

The Photos are below, they are photos last Preachers Training there in Malungon Sarangani Province and Preachers Seminar last August 16, 2010.

In Christian LOVE,

dad's e-mail

PROVERB 19:22 "The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar."

2 Cor. 8:21 "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."

Preachers Training there in the local church where brother Swerte preaches

Dear Saints in Christ,

Grace, Mercy and Peace be unto you

From God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord

I am so glad to inform you the progress of the work of God here, last Saturday August 14, 2010 we had held a Preachers Training there in the congregation of the Lord where brother Swerte serves as an evangelist. Brother Allan, Brother Socarno, Brother Allan, Brother Swerte, Brother Anaklito, Brother Benjie Lopez and dad (Siamen Tumandan) and I were there and there were also few folks who attended.

Brother Rommil preach a good lesson.

Brother Socarno preached also a good lesson.

Brother Swerte preached a good lesson.


Thanks and God Bless

In Christian Love,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Field Report as of August 15, 2010

Dearest Brethren and Sisters in Christ who may read this letter,

Greetings in the name of Him who died at the CROSS!

I ( and brother Allan Kimnon just arrived from Maasim, Sarangani Province preaching the the pure and only gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so much happy to inform that new local church is established there in Libas Kamanga Maasim Sarangani Province. I and brother Allan are both the preachers there. We have started our worship there with 8 adults attendance and more than 8 children, but there are also lots of folks there who were already baptized. They are restored now. I am now preaching in two local church. One in Looc Kamanga church of Christ Maasim Sarangani Province and there in Libas Kamanga church of Christ Maasim Sar. Prov.

Thanks and God Bless and all the saints there.

In Christian LOVE,


dad's e-mail

PROVERB 19:22 "The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar."

2 Cor. 8:21 "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."

Gospel Work Report: 3 Souls Were Baptized.

  1 st     Day of September, Year of our Lord 2024 Dear Brethren and Sisters in Christ Jesus, "I wish above all things that thou ...